SpaIot Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NSpaIotSpaIot name space
 CBusSettingsSPI 2840X Bus settings
 CButtonThis class represents a button
 CButtonControllerThis class is the base class of all button controllers
 CButtonSettingsThis class represents the settings of a button
 CControlPanelControl Panel
 CEventSpa Events
 CFrameDecoderThis class decodes information from the technical block of the spa
 CHardwareSettingsThis class represents the hardware settings of a SpaIot device
 CLedSettingsSPI 2840X Led settings
 CMultiplexerAnalog multiplexer for buttons
 CPcf8574MuxMultiplexer controlled by a PCF8574
 CServerSettingsServer settings class
 CSpaClientSpaClient class
 CSpaServerSpaServer class