SpaIot Library
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CSpaIot::BusSettingsSPI 2840X Bus settings
 CSpaIot::ButtonThis class represents a button
 CSpaIot::ButtonControllerThis class is the base class of all button controllers
 CSpaIot::MultiplexerAnalog multiplexer for buttons
 CSpaIot::Pcf8574MuxMultiplexer controlled by a PCF8574
 CSpaIot::ButtonSettingsThis class represents the settings of a button
 CSpaIot::EventSpa Events
 CSpaIot::FrameDecoderThis class decodes information from the technical block of the spa
 CSpaIot::ControlPanelControl Panel
 CSpaIot::SpaServerSpaServer class
 CSpaIot::HardwareSettingsThis class represents the hardware settings of a SpaIot device
 CSpaIot::LedSettingsSPI 2840X Led settings
 CSpaIot::ServerSettingsServer settings class
 CSpaIot::SpaClientSpaClient class